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Three principles that need to be strictly adhered to during the use of the pulverizer

First, operation level

No matter how intelligent and advanced the machine is, it still needs to be operated by human beings. Moreover, the operation principle of the pulverizer is not fully automated, and the control of professional staff is required in the whole process of operation. In addition to being able to stay in the whole process, the operator must master the correct operation technology of the mill. If it is only after a few days of training or the so-called self-taught personnel, he cannot be allowed to operate alone, otherwise it will be very easy. An accident occurs. The obvious disadvantage of letting unskilled personnel operate is that the wear and tear of the machine is too large, and they do not know how to operate to reduce the wear and tear to a lower level. Professional training must be given to the operator before operation, and only after he has a thorough understanding of the work site procedures can he be allowed to operate independently.

Second, material selection

Although the pulverizer can process a variety of different materials, it cannot be processed for some specific materials. If those materials are accidentally put in, it is very easy to cause damage to the machine. Therefore, the operator of the mill must always pay attention to prohibit the entry of those materials. For example, if some metal blocks enter, because the hardness of the metal is too high, the machine cannot be broken, and it will also damage itself. Therefore, once it is found, it will be stopped and taken out immediately, otherwise the grinding roller will be damaged.

Third, control moisture

When the mill is in use, it is necessary to strictly control the moisture content of the material. In other words, materials containing a lot of moisture should not be allowed to enter the machine. Because the moisture content of the material is too large, the powder ground by the machine becomes very viscous, which not only fails to achieve the grinding effect but also affects the machine.

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