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What is the difference between limestone powder and lime powder?

Ash calcium powder is a powder product with no particles, less impurities and less black spots, which is mainly used in putty and architectural coatings. , latex paint, mortar and other production. Although slaked lime is also the product of quicklime digested with water, slaked lime can be powdered without being processed by mechanical equipment, and may contain a large amount of impurities, black spots, particles and other debris, so strictly speaking, slaked lime powder cannot be used for It is used in the production of putty powder, architectural coatings, latex paint, mortar and other products.

Lime is divided into quicklime and slaked lime. The main component of quicklime is calcium oxide (CaO), and the white solid is refractory. It is obtained by calcining limestone with high (CaO) content in a ventilated lime kiln to a temperature above 900 °C. It is water absorbent and can be used as a desiccant. It is commonly used in my country to prevent debris from regaining moisture. It reacts with water (and releases a lot of heat at the same time), or absorbs the moisture in the humid air, that is, mature lime [calcium hydroxide Ca(OH) 2], also known as "slaked lime". Slaked lime dissolves 1.56 grams in one liter of water (20°C), and its drinkable solution is called "lime water", which is alkaline and absorbs carbon dioxide in the air to form calcium carbonate precipitation.

The main component of quicklime is CaO, which is generally lumpy, pure white, and light gray or light yellow when it contains impurities. Quicklime absorbs moisture or adds water to become slaked lime, and slaked lime is also called slaked lime. Calcination is a key process in lime production. The choice of calcination equipment has an important influence on whether the limestone resources can be fully utilized. General mine products 0-30mm fine-grained limestone account for about 30-40% of the total output. If it cannot be fully utilized, limestone resources will be seriously wasted.

At present, different lime calcining equipments use different grades of limestone. The lime rotary kiln can directly calcine the fine-grained limestone of 10-50mm, so that most of the limestone below 40mm can be used, and it can save a lot of mining costs every year and prolong the mining life of the mine. Therefore, lime rotary kiln calcined lime has good advantages and good development prospects in making full use of limestone resources.

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